Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Long-Term Substitute

So I am down to the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. I am very pleased to announce that we have hired my long-term substitute. Her name is Tammy Long, and she is coming to use from the Farmington/Strong area. She has many years experience working with younger learners including opening and running her own private preschool program for many years. Her philosophy is an exact match to ours. She believes in giving learners the individualized attention that they need and helping them learn and grow in the way that fits each best. She visited our school before vacation and absolutely loved it. She has been given all important information, and our goal is to have her visit again a couple of times before the transition so that I can be sure she is adequately prepared to take on this position especially with the uniqueness of our school.  As I get more information on the transition and any other details to share, I will do so immediately. :) Until then, if you have any questions for me or her, please contact me.